February 2019 - MY TBR

Welcome to the Scoop!

At some point, you’ve likely encountered a long, bleak patch when your reserve of recommended books ran dry. A few years ago, there was a stretch when I didn’t have people in my life who understood my taste in books. I’d finish a fantastic series and then be disappointed when I realized that there was no rebound read to help me recover from the last series. Thankfully for the readers like us who are still nursing book hangovers, there are personalized book recommendation websites across the internet to save us.Continue Reading

Gutenberg Sample Content

Heading Block (H2) You are looking at one. (H3) Paragraph Block This is a paragraph block. Professionally productize highly efficient results with world-class core competencies. Objectively matrix leveraged architectures vis-a-vis error-free applications. Completely maximize customized portals via fully researched metrics. Enthusiastically generate premier action items through web-enabled e-markets. Efficiently parallel task holistic intellectual capital and client-centric markets.Continue Reading